Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How Beauty Affects the Human Mind

When the word beauty comes to one’s mind, the basic meaning interpreted at that time is a person who “looks attractive” by means of face, completion, features or so on. Beauty is even defined as something appealing to the eye. All things considered, beauty in a human beings mind is always related to something attractive “externally”.
There have been a lot of psychological findings and researches done on the actual thinking of humans about how humans perceive looks, what is the impression casted on them when they see a person who is attractive and so on. There are also researches done on how many people actually believe the thought that beauty is internal and not external. Moreover if they do believe this, then why do people of the modem world always try to look outstanding, let it be a man or women. No matter how many people believe in the internal beauty of people, psychological findings have proved that outward looks do have a great impact on the thinking of the human mind. If a person is innocent and simple by looks, we tend to perceive that he/she will be that way by personality as well. Taking Asian countries for example where normally people of darker skin live, fairness creams have created a concept in the minds of people that if you are fair you are beautiful, and if you are beautiful then only you can achieve whatever you want. Other than that you will be rejected. No matter how offensive this might seem, but this is actually what beauty creams and products portray. 
Not only does beauty have an effect in the human mind this way, but it is also observed that people who feel they are not beautiful go beyond limits to achieve it. These people would do anything to get attention and get compliments from people. On the other side, those who are beautiful and get compliments regularly without doing anything additional to enhance their beauty take all this very in an informal way and are not at all preoccupied with being “fine-looking “.Another thing proved about beauty is that whether one takes looks of other people seriously or not, but what one thinks about his/her own look matters a lot on the personality. If a person thinks that he/she does not look good nor has any kind of inferiority complex in this area then the person’s confidence is bound to falter badly.
Looking at these perspectives and findings one can say that “outward beauty” and looks can defiantly have a great impact on the mind of a person. Let it be an impression of others or confidence in one’s own personality; Looks have a great impact. These research findings may not imply on everyone but they do relate to majority of the people. It is entirely true that looks and a standard of them called “beauty” have a great impact on us, whether we want to accept this fact as true or not.

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